Honestly, this week I wanted to write to you about chronic pain and bodies being weird and hard. I have a note going on my phone where I’ve been trying to figure some stuff out. And I will share it eventually, but right now I have Big End of Year Energy. Meaning I have very little energy. Words are hard, and I have learned that when my brain feels sludgy, the harder I push, the worse it gets.

Obviously it’s not the end of the calendar year, but August marks the end of year two of CIHAS (!!) It’s also the end of a month of full-time parenting (with the exception of those three glorious days I had to myself), plus writing the newsletter and seeing clients around childcare. Suffice to say, I’m ready for a break. I’ll share a full analysis of the past year when I come back in September, like I did last year.

inflatable cactus buoy
Photo by Jakob Owens / Unsplash

Before I go though, I wanted to share some of the most popular posts from the past couple of months, or ones you might have missed, so you can catch up on some reading/listening:

Dear Laura… How Do We Convince The Grands They Don’t Need To Cut Out Cake To Manage ‘Pre-diabetes’?
Diet culture got The Grands good…
Dear Laura... How Can I Teach My Kids That a 100% Cake-and -Pringles Diet is Not OK?
A doozy of a Q. Plus my answer about developmentally attuned nutrition education.
Dads: Here’s Why Your Kids’ Embodiment Matters
Why dads need to step up when it comes to kids’ embodiment. Scroll to the end for some resources for them.
BREAKING: Personalised Nutrition Company Recommends Everyone Takes Same Supplement; Undermines Own USP and Reveals They Are Full Of Shit
Horrible Trail Mix that costs £40 a bag
I Think We Need to Stop Saying That UPFs ‘Liberated Women’ - Here’s Why.
When we say that UPFs liberated women from the home, we need to ask: which women? Which homes? And liberated how?
32: B*tch You Have Got to Eat Something
One of the things that came out of the 2023 Reader Survey was that you wanted a Q+A/AMA of the pod. So we’re giving it a shot. Now our monthly pod schedule will consist of 1-2 guest episodes a month, with 1 Q+A with myself and
33: ALL OF THE SNACKS - Is it Time to Divest from Jeans?
One for the Thick Thighs Crew. Plus can movement really be Intuitive? And baby food throwing.

I have a few things planned for when I’m back (including a piece on anti-inflammatory diets), but I’d also love to hear from you if there are any topics you’d like to see covered in an essay, a Snacky Bits thread, or a podcast episode. Drop me a comment below to let me know (and definitely upvote other people’s comments if you’re interested in the same thing).

And if you have any burning questions for Dear Laura submit them here. Or if you’d like Lucy and I to tackle something in an episode of All of the Snacks, you can drop your question here.

If you’re also heading off on holiday in the coming weeks, safe travels. If you’re just trying to survive the intensity of the last few weeks of school holidays then I hope your coffee is strong and your snacks are plentiful. 

Ok fam, I've got a plane to catch! See you in September!

P.S. If you're just joining us from Burnt Toast this week: hey, welcome! I noticed that the links to my UPF pieces took you back to my now defunct Substack page, so I wanted to share them here for anyone who struggled to find them. I've since written a bunch more on UPFs, so will pop those links below too, but you can always find them by clicking the UPF tab at the top of the home page.

The Truth About Ultra Processed Foods - Part 1
TL;DR - it’s a lot messier than you think
The Truth About Ultra Processed Foods - Part 2
Going Beneath the Headlines and Getting Our Science On
The Truth About Ultra-Processed Foods - Part 3
Who Gets To Reimagine The Food System?
RAPID RESPONSE: At the Intersection of Hell and Get Me Off This Planet
When UPFs meet food addiction
I Think We Need to Stop Saying That UPFs ‘Liberated Women’ - Here’s Why.
When we say that UPFs liberated women from the home, we need to ask: which women? Which homes? And liberated how?
The Men Making Clean Eating Cool Again
On why we’re falling for clean eating, again

ICYMI: 38: "Postpartum body image was like a whole different ball game" - Snapback culture with Alex Light

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