Earlier this week my husband took my 4-year-old to stay with his parents up ‘north’, which is actually only a third of the way up the country and not the Highlands or Orkney as you might be misled to think. Usually I’d join them and my D and I would ‘wfh’ from his parents’ house while Avery was uncharacteristically the model child for his grandparents. But then D suggested that maybe I don’t come and just like…chill. 



Shut up and take my money.

And there we have it. Four blissful days to myself. The first time I have been alone in 4 years. 5 if you count the time I was growing another human inside my body. 

Now you might be worried that I was lonely, or missed my family. But the reality is I think I may have found my true calling in life: spinster. I have done so much plant admin this week you wouldn’t even believe.

Jokes aside, the biggest sense of freedom has come from the sense of liberation around food and mealtimes. 

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