Last week I shared my discovery that my 4-year-old is subsisting on a postage-stamp-sized piece of bread and some cucumber for lunch most days. To be fair, he is getting some fruit for a morning snack, but even then I estimate he was eating no more than 150kcals for the majority of the day; patently not enough to support feeling good in his body, let alone learning. 

So, how did I approach it with the school? 

I started out by having a chat with A’s classroom teacher. My friend Faith was also there – she’s A’s best friend’s mum and her kid actually eats lunch. HI FAITH! We talked about the high expectations the school has around kids’ eating (the bedazzled hummus! The radicchio salads!), and that I was obviously concerned that A wasn’t eating. It was at this point that I had to concede I was a nutritionist – mortified does not even begin to cover it – and asked her if she would be open to some suggestions. A’s teacher has a 2-year-old and so was very open to suggestions.

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